Fahad Aloufi
Saudi Arabia
Hi, I'm Fahad Aloufi!
GPU ASIC Design Efficiency Engineer Intern at NVIDIA
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GPU ASIC Design Efficiency Engineer Intern
May 2024 - August 2024
Created profiling tools for NVIDIA GPUs to help observe the performance and power of the GPU on different traces. Developed knowledge of many aspects of chip design from architectural level considerations to generation of place and route netlists. Developed knowledge of GPU architectures and power optimization techniques.
Purdue University West Lafayette
System on Chip Digital Design Team Member
August 2023 - May 2024
Designed a RISC-V CPU core with vector extensions for embedded applications to improve performance on tasks that exhibit data-level parallelism. Synthesized the design on Skywater process and analyzed the design area along with the maximum frequency. Evaluated the performance of the CPU core on data-parallel tasks in machine learning and digital signal processing and recorded 1.5x – 2.5x speedup.
Purdue University
Semiconductors Design Fellow – Teaching Assistant
May 2023 - July 2023
Taught fundamentals of digital chip design using SystemVerilog and prototyping designs on FPGAs. Worked closely with Efabless to set up the environment for synthesizing designs for SkyWater fabrication process. Led teams in the design, implementation, and testing of a digital audio synthesizer and a game on FPGAs.
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