Saber Kassem

Saber Kassem

Web Technologies at Udacity



Hi, I'm Saber Kassem!

Web Technologies at Udacity

Diligent Platform engineer, who realizes that programming is an innovation tool and believes that learning is the only way to growth and greatness, he is ready to work for a company that allows him to innovate and be among people who build the future and facilitate life. he learned and applied full-stack development using react and node which results in 15+ projects in Addition to 3 projects using python. and applied as well cloud technology such as Docker, Kubernetes Kafka, and Grafana.



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udaConnect - currently working on

Cloud native architect graduation project

Requirements Build dependency graph Refactor from monolith to microservices Use REST, gRPC, and Kafka as message-passing techniques Package and deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster Create openAPI documentation Create a postman library for the REST endpoint

Related to 3 free code camp certificate

This link provides you with verbose details about my learning journey, certificate, and projects related to each certificate.

cloud native architect graduation project

Apply the best development practices like health checks, metrics, and logs Package the TechTrends application by creating a Dockerfile and Docker image. Implement the Continuous Integration practices, by using GitHub Actions to automate the build and push of the Docker image to DockerHub Construct the Kubernetes declarative manifests to deploy TechTrends Template the Kubernetes manifests using a Helm chart Implement the Continuous Delivery practices using ArgoCD and the Helm chart.

react development cross-skills nanodegree

Consumed React Features for building the UI and managing data with (State) by composing a reusable component approach. rather than inheritance. Utilized react hooks to work with a date during the component's lifecycle. Implemented search functionality with debounce technique to allow users to add books to their shelves. Added the ability to move books between shelves

full stack graduation project

built ci/cd pipeline to deploy the app to AWS Utilized elastic beanstalk to host the backend Used s3 bucket to host static files used rids to save data created script that is used by GitHub and circle ci to integrate changes and deliver them to AWS automatically.

full stack graduation project

Formed RESTful APIs and PostgreSQL database using Express for application’s data. Applied testing that results in 100 % of the app behaving to different scenarios as planned. Deployed the app to AWS using the AWS console. Took advantage of applying the CI/CD method by automating the deployment process using ACL, GitHub, and circle ci

Full stack graduation project

Implemented APIs to process an image with desired properties of the output.

Frontend graduation project

Constructed a skeleton website using HTML semantic elements for accessibility and SEO purpose. Applied visual effects using CSS features like box model, colors, animation, and more properties. Collect and validate data entries and route users with an appropriate message. Implemented a sync function to fetch weather data for a specified city's zip code from the external API. Save fetched data to the app and update DOM showing these data to the users

front end graduating project

Using Javascript to manipulate DOM elements.

















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