GHarsallah saoussen
ISTIC, University of Rennes
Hi, I'm GHarsallah saoussen!
Internship at LTSI, University of Rennes
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LTSI, University of Rennes | Rennes, France
March 2024 - September 2024
Radiotherapy and Medical Imaging: Development of a Deep Learning Approach for Generating Synthetic CT scans from MRI: • Handled MRI/CT data analysis • Applied advanced preprocessing • Generated synthetic CT from MRI data • Developed 2D/3D deep learning models
LIB, Sorbonne University
Academic Research
October 2021 - December 2021
Leveraged advanced preprocessing methodologies on 3D MRI scans for SLA patient analysis, encompassing registration, filtering, and image enhancement Employed Python-based automation for precise segmentation and quantification of WMHs lesions through cutting-edge Deep Learning techniques
LIB, Sorbonne University | Paris, France
Academic Research
October 2021 - December 2021
• Leveraged advanced preprocessing methodologies on 3D MRI scans for SLA patient analysis, encompassing registration, filtering, and image enhancement. • Employed Python-based automation for precise segmentation and quantification of WMHs lesions through cutting-edge Deep Learning techniques.
Enet'Com, University of Sfax
Academic Research
February 2020 - September 2021
Executed advanced preprocessing of MR brain images to optimize data for model integration Engineered and refined CNN models for the precise automatic segmentation of white lesions Expertly performed parameter tuning to enhance model performance, focusing on regularization, data augmentation, and initialization techniques Leveraged Python and TensorFlow for robust application development in a cutting-edge research environment
Academic Research
Enet'Com, University of Sfax | Sfax, Tunisia
February 2020 - September 2021
• Executed advanced preprocessing of MR brain images to optimize data for model integration. • Engineered and refined CNN models for the precise automatic segmentation of white lesions. • Expertly performed parameter tuning to enhance model performance, focusing on regularization, data augmentation, and initialization techniques. • Leveraged Python and TensorFlow for robust application development in a cutting-edge research environmen
ISIMG, University of Gabes
January 2019 - January 2020
Executed advanced segmentation of vascular white matter hyperintensities in MR brain images utilizing state-of-the-art 3D preprocessing methods such as bias correction, contrast enhancement, and registration Developed an innovative automatic segmentation model leveraging the Unet architecture to enhance diagnostic accuracy Proficient in programming with Python and MATLAB to create robust applications for medical image analysis
ISIMG, University of Gabes | Gabes, Tunisia
January 2019 - January 2020
• Executed advanced segmentation of vascular white matter hyperintensities in MR brain images utilizing state-of-the-art 3D preprocessing methods such as bias correction, contrast enhancement, and registration. • Developed an innovative automatic segmentation model leveraging the Unet architecture to enhance diagnostic accuracy. • Proficient in programming with Python and MATLAB to create robust applications for medical image analysis.
ISIMG, University of Gabes
January 2016 - June 2016
Engineered an innovative circular-based micro-mixer for efficient molecular grafting, leveraging advanced COMSOL Multiphysics simulations Spearheaded investigative research into the dynamics of vibrational-acoustic interactions within droplet systems
ISIMG, University of Gabes | Gabes, Tunisia
January 2016 - June 2016
• Engineered an innovative circular-based micro-mixer for efficient molecular grafting, leveraging advanced COMSOL Multiphysics simulations. • Spearheaded investigative research into the dynamics of vibrational-acoustic interactions within droplet systems.
Certificates & Badges
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Deep Learning
Biomedical/Medical Engineering
Machine Learning
Image Processing
Computer Vision
Medical Imaging
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