Iyad Uakoub

Iyad Uakoub

Career Coach in Residence at Localized

Organizational Behavior at Purdue University

United States

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Hi, I'm Iyad Uakoub!

Localized Expert

Career Coach in Residence at Localized

  • Business & Management
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Sales & Customer Service

Behavioral Scientist, Leadership & Career Coach, HR & Learning Consultant, and Startup Advisor. Currently leading Behavioral Science at Sounding Board and coaching leaders at multiple organizations. Before, I led Learning and People programs at multibillion-dollar organizations and advised several startups on team development, recruiting strategy, and culture.




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Career Coach

Employee Learning & Development

Performance Management (HR)

Behavioral Design

Behavioral Science

Leadership Development

Business Startup Coach

Localized connects university students and recent graduates with industry experts and employers.

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