Carla Farré González
Industrial & Packaging Designer at ZARA HOME
Industrial Design at Elisava School for Design & Engineering
Hi, I'm Carla Farré González!
Industrial & Packaging Designer at ZARA HOME
Carla Farré González is an industrial designer from Barcelona, currently based in A Coruña (ES). Creating solutions for everyday elements by designing products, furniture, lighting accessories & packaging. Context & Design vision: I was raised in Poblenou, Barcelona’s emerging creative district, a fact that has deeply shaped my design methods and cultural alphabet. I finished my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from Elisava School of Design & Engineering in 2023 & moved to Copenhagen (DK) for work, where I’ve been living the first half of this year. Since then, I’ve been broadening my work experience, developing personal projects, and taking on commissions. My practice lies in attention to detail and sustainability, thinking with materials, colors, and shapes to create user-friendly and emotionally resonant objects. I advocate for products that enhance our daily lives by being accessible and environmentally conscious. Developing designs as means of understanding and intuitively engaging with the world. Professional Journey: In the last few years, I’ve had the opportunity to dig into several professional environments in product design companies in Barcelona, Copenhagen & A Coruña.This has allowed me to expand my abilities and has given me the chance to work with brands such as Hay Design, Zara Home, Kettal Living, Expormim, Luis Eslava Studio, Carl Hansen & Son, Nani Marquina, Pottery Project, MAM Originals & La Manso. At Luis Eslava Studio, renowned for blending craftsmanship with industrial methods, I contributed to diverse projects within their design team, spanning textile design (Nani Marquina), lighting (Pottery Project), accessories (Carl Hansen & Son), and jewelry (MAM Originals). Additionally, I supported La Manso’s ring workshop in Barcelona. Academic-industry teamwork enabled me to partner with Kettal Living on my final degree project and with Expormim at the french research centre Domaine de Boisbouchet in Lessac. During 2024, I interned at HAY Design DK, specializing in Accessories Development. There, I actively participated in creating both objects and packaging, an experience that greatly refined my understanding, sensitivity, and design outlook. I’m currently continuing my journey as a junior industrial designer at Zara Home’s fragrances department. My role focuses on the development of products, scents, and packaging, an experience that is enriching my expertise in branding and product development within home & scents.
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