Alhassan Mohammed Suraj
Virtual Assistant at Freelancer
University for Development Studies
Hi, I'm Alhassan Mohammed Suraj!
Virtual Assistant at Freelancer
Virtual Assistant with a sales background, Proactive Veterinary Technologist with expertise in animal health and nutrition, Energetic individual with experience in Customer Relations and Marketing, Excels in providing exceptional service to clients; especially skilled in handling challenging customers, Completed an honors degree focused on veterinary nursing.
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Virtual Assistant
August 2024 - Present
Arranging documents for easy identification Planning travel itineraries for clients Organizing meetings and taking minutes Arranging presentations for board meetings Maintaining good client relations through constant communication Following up on payments and ensuring debts were paid on time Provision of consultations to clients on how to get their company running smoothly
BACL Ghana Limited
Technical Sales Representative
June 2023 - Present
Sales of animal therapeutics and nutrition products Providing veterinary services to farmers Conducting customer prospecting with the sales team Maintaining good customer relations through constant communication Following up on payments and ensuring debts were paid on time Assisting farmers with technical services Hosting and coordinating management meetings Provision of weekly and monthly reports to management to track sales performance
Maridav Ghana Limited
Technical Sales Officer
August 2020 - July 2022
Sold and marketed animal nutrition and health products Improved sales by 70% within two years in all categories of products Provided technical support services to clients Maintained good customer relations Preparation of market and sales reports Conducted regular market surveys and customer prospect Field visit to assist farmers with veterinary services Managed administrative responsibilities for the company in the absence of the administrator
Fisheries Commission
Technical Officer
September 2019 - August 2020
Helped organize the WAA Inaugural Forum that brought together 300+ African women driving social and economic change in Africa. Site inspection Educating farmers on good practices of fish farming Assisting farmers in harvesting Guiding farmers in setting up ponds Sales of feed to farmers Assisted in undertaking laboratory procedures like spawning
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