Richard Ezea
Junior Software Engineer at Jamasoft Concept
Computer Science at Babcock University
Hi, I'm Richard Ezea!
Junior Software Engineer at Jamasoft Concept
Proactive Junior Software Engineer with hands-on experience in full-stack development, passionate about solving real-world problems through innovative tech solutions. Strong expertise in backend development with a growth mindset, honed through rigorous projects at ALX Africa and JamaSoft Concept. Collaborative team player with solid problem-solving and project management skills, known for delivering projects on time and contributing to customer satisfaction.
Jamasoft Concept
Junior Software Engineer
September 2024 - Present
Executed full-stack projects using PHP, collaborating with senior developers to deliver ahead of schedule. Contributed key insights to project development, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving improvements in project delivery. Facilitated the development of efficient, scalable solutions that met business needs.
ALX (Software Engineering)
Software Engineering Student
August 2022 - Present
Developed full-stack applications using technologies such as Python, Node.js, Express, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, and NGINX. Acquired advanced knowledge of backend systems, project management, and critical thinking through hands-on execution of rigorous projects. Led collaborative efforts with peers, successfully managing and delivering projects while developing soft skills such as communication and teamwork.
National Center For Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (NCAIR)
SIWES Intern
January 2023 - July 2023
Mentored peers, providing guidance on debugging Python programs and improving coding skills. Achieved certification in Intermediate Python, demonstrating a high level of proficiency. Enhanced the coding abilities of learners, resulting in significant improvements in their problem-solving techniques.
Certificates & Badges
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