Kano Kanombola
JavaScript Developer at Heroic Digital Marketing
Physics and Mathematics at university of zambia
Hi, I'm Kano Kanombola!
JavaScript Developer at Heroic Digital Marketing
JavaScript Developer with 3 years of experience in the JavaScript ecosystem, focusing on enhancing code readability and performance through effective annotations. Skilled in collaborating with development teams to ensure clear and consistent documentation, and experienced in setting standards for annotation practices. Extensive knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, including Next.js, Vue.js, and React.js, and expertise in writing type-safe code using TypeScript. Additionally, I have experience with Redis for caching and optimizing the performance of large-scale web applications, such as brandwithmarkethub.com.
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Heroic Digital Marketing
JavaScript Developer
January 2023 - Present
Annotated JavaScript scripts and functions to improve code readability and performance. Collaborated with the development team to ensure annotations were accurate and aligned with project goals. Reviewed and improved code annotations for consistency across the project. Developed a set of guidelines for standardized code annotation practices. Leveraged JavaScript frameworks like Next.js, Vue.js, and React.js to build dynamic user interfaces. Used Redis to implement caching strategies, optimizing load times for high-traffic e-commerce websites.
Mentor (Full-Stack Web Development)
January 2022 - January 2023
Provided technical mentorship to junior developers, focusing on JavaScript and code review. Assisted developers in improving code quality through clear and precise code annotations. Proposed improvements in code organization to enhance readability and performance. Guided developers on best practices for writing type-safe code using TypeScript.
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