Wilkister Ingadima Mbaisi
Environment and Climate Justice assistant at Amani Kibera
Environmental Studies at Kenyatta University
Hi, I'm Wilkister Ingadima Mbaisi!
Environment and Climate Justice assistant at Amani Kibera
Seeking a dynamic role in Environmental Studies and Community Development where I can leverage my academic background and passion for sustainable practices to contribute to impactful projects and initiatives aimed at fostering environmental stewardship and community empowerment.
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Amani Kibera
Environment and Climate Justice assistant
September 2023 - Present
Assisted with identifying and supporting climate change adaptation projects such as waste management in Kibera Assist in planning and execution of various initiatives, including events, programs, and projects. Provided Support in administrative assignments which include filling and keeping data, welcoming guests and sending emails.
Environmental Capacities and Sustainability Institute
Research volunteer
May 2023 - July 2023
Research on air pollution and climate change in Kenya Managed all environmental data, assisted in collecting and analyzing data such as pollution measurements and climate change adaptation information. Analyzed collected data and interpreted correlation with environmental factors with human qualities. Data presentation using PowerPoint
Kenya Red Cross Society
July 2022 - September 2022
Identified community problems in collaboration with other service providers. Engaged in various administrative duties which include: Writing reports, filling documents, photocopying, and proposal writing. Engaged in various Environmental programs such as water and sanitation, Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and Environmental Restoration Fostered community participation in a variety of environmental conservation activities within and without. Promoted community social networks through mailings and social media.
Certificates & Badges
No certificates or badges added
No projects added
Interpersonal Skills
Environment Management
Microsoft Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint
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