Stephen Kahuria
Cloud Solutions Provider Support Specialist at RED DOT DISTTIBUTION
Digital Transformation at Nexford University
Hi, I'm Stephen Kahuria!
Cloud Solutions Provider Support Specialist at RED DOT DISTTIBUTION
As a Cloud Solution Provider Support Specialist, I am a highly skilled and experienced professional with a deep understanding of cloud technologies, platforms, and services. I possess a proven track record of providing exceptional technical support and customer service to clients, ensuring their success in utilizing cloud solutions effectively and efficiently.
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Cloud Solutions Provider Support Specialist
July 2022 - Present
Providing technical support and guidance to clients utilizing Microsoft cloud technologies and services across East and Southern Africa regions. Assisting clients with the deployment, management, migrations, and optimization of Microsoft cloud solutions such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 Defender, Teams and subscription management.

Digital Transformation
Nexford University
Graduating in 2025
Certificates & Badges
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