Samuel Amadi Ukpe
Social Media Manager (Facebook) at Samuel Amadi Ukpe (Facebook Page)
ALX Africa
Hi, I'm Samuel Amadi Ukpe!
Social Media Manager (Facebook) at Samuel Amadi Ukpe (Facebook Page)
Result-oriented Social Media Marketing expert with a proven track record for utilising innovative social media tactics. Committed to adopting modern marketing techniques to support both individuals and businesses in their entrepreneurial objectives. Takes responsibility, performs well in a team, quick to pick up new abilities, and dedicated to improving content quality, maximising social media accounts, and increasing brand visibility.
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ALX & The Room Fellowship
Fellowship Ambassador
July 2023 - Present
Developed and executed a comprehensive social media outreach strategy, leading to a 30% increase in followers and enhanced visibility within the first month through a massive social media campaign promotion. Cultivated a strong network of community contacts, significantly boosting program visibility and engagement. Reached out to students who had dropped out of the program due to not meeting the requirements, encouraging them to register for the next cohort and collecting their feedback on potential program modifications.
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