Menatalla Mohammed

Menatalla Mohammed


Marketing DigitalUdacity


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¡Hola, soy Menatalla Mohammed!

Freelancer en Upwork

I hold a bachelor of arts in oriental languages department of Urdu. While translating, I translated it in a way that would appeal to readers rather than literally. From this point, I found that translation writing and its final form are so-called "content writing," which is part of marketing. I started searching more about marketing, and decided to strengthen my experience with a strong academic background in marketing by studying the advanced digital marketing Nanodegree program. I discovered that I am extremely passionate about digital marketing in addition to content marketing while learning all the marketing disciplines. Through my studies with Udacity, I gained a lot of experience in: -Content strategy and create content. - Social media marketing. -SEO. -SEM. -Google ads. -Email marketing. I discovered that I am extremely passionate about SEO, because it is basically based on research skills, and it needs to be very technical, and these are some of the skills I am interested in. Now, I'm seeking for an internship as a SEO specialist to hone my skills and land a solid job.

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    Email Marketing

    at Udacity

    -Created marketing objective, KPI, target persona, three emails content, and calendar and plan. -Drafted and sent emails using Mailchimp, analyzed results, and made future recommendations.

    Drafted a blog post using the Pixar framework, posted it using the Hub & Spokes model on different platforms to draw readers to the blog.

    Evaluated the performance, analyzed the results, and recommended further improvements of a research at the campaign, ad groups, ads, and keywords level.

    Conducted an on-site and off-site SEO audit, tested the performance of a website to improve its visibility on the search engines, and recommended additional improvements






    Content Writing

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


    SEO Audits

    SEO Copywriting

    Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Marketing Strategy

    Google AdWords

    Email Marketing

    Creative Writing

    Facebook Ads


    Social Media Advertising

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