Sarvesh Giri

Sarvesh Giri

International Business ConsultantInternational Consulting Network

Administración de EmpresasUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

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¡Hola, soy Sarvesh Giri!

International Business Consultant en International Consulting Network

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    Team Leader

    Lead the team which represented the University in DoorDash Real Time Competition where we strategize the entry of DoorDash into the University Dining. We spoke to the existing University employees and conducted a brief survey to understand the expectation of the students and synchronized it with the situation analysis revolving around the University meal plans. Analysis of the data collected from these surveys and studies allowed us to reach to a consensual strategy that shall allow DoorDash to make a place in the Dining. We came up with an effective financial projection as well that shall ensure the profitability of the company and ensure they are in the position to scale to other Universities across United States.

    Illinois MakersLab


    Designed a database for the lab in order to check on the operations of the company and facilitate process optimization. It intended to work on the business prospects and manage the supply and logistics revolve around the laboratory based on the business rules. Meeting with stakeholders to understand the current database architecture and implement a better database architecture in regards to connection through keys lowering query times.

    GNC Holdings Inc

    Team Leader

    Working on business development and operation management empowering them to make better decisions during the current pandemic. Strategizing and analyzing various aspects of the business and coming up with a concrete solution with a team of Gies Students









    Communication Facilitation

    Stakeholder Relationship Management

    Project Management

    Analytical Methods


    Communication Skills

    Consumer Behavior

    New Product Development

    Process Manufacturing

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