asked:Hello hope you are doing and the family, my question is as follows, What is the best advice that you can give to an entrepreneur who newly starting his first venture? Thank you very much.
Oluwabusayo Okeleye
asked:What informed your decision on which business to invest on and confidence of success?
Humaid Alzaabi
asked:Tip for a new start up that is scaling the company however the overhead costs are exceeding profits, is it time for a investor and if so how can we properly evaluate the company so were not bought out unfairly
Fatima Alzahraa Dalloul
asked:What are some tips for students who are in their final year of graduation? (E.g. Economics students)
Mohamad El Bohsaly
asked:What mistakes do usually startups do in their beginnings?
Rahma Mohammed
asked:How did it all start? Starting with nothing and building your way up.
Can Mindek
asked:What are the biggest take-aways of your path so far? And where would you put "learning" in that journey?
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