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Najeem Adedayo Oyeyemi

Najeem Adedayo Oyeyemi


As a technology auditor, how do I leverage data science to get more analysis done on time? What tool will you advise as I will like to do report automation as required?

What is the most important thing in your opinion for someone to know or have entering sports data science?

Yves Hoayek

Yves Hoayek


How can I combine industrial engineering with data science?

Ahmad Yones

Ahmad Yones


How I cam combine or use Data Science as a Software Engineer? How we can use it under the systems which we have been building it?

Ronit Avni

Excellent question--thank you for joining the event and feel free to continue the conversation on the Data Science Channel!

Senay Kafkas

Senay Kafkas


1. How to sail from Academia to Industry (e.g. after postdoc)? 2. Given "no industry experience" for a postdoc, Would market find him/her suitable for "data scientist" type of jobs OR he/she has chance for a bit higher level to start with, e.g. senior data scientist jobs?

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