Ready for a global career?
Get Certified Ready /Anywhere®
Increase your chances of getting your dream job by getting accredited. This certification will demonstrate to potential employers that you have mastery of best practices for working with global teams.
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In partnership with

ets badge
What is the Ready /Anywhere® Certification?
Localized has partnered with ETS, the organization that developed the TOEFL® and GRE®, to launch the Ready /Anywhere® assessment for global candidates looking to work in remote or hybrid environments. Test your skills and show employers that you have what it takes to work at global companies and startups.
This unique assessment validates your skills in real-life work scenarios, providing insights into your strengths and areas for improvement so employers seeking remote-ready professionals can find you more easily.
It’s not just an assessment; it’s your gateway to becoming a preferred candidate in the global, digital workplace.

Why Take the ETS Ready /Anywhere® Test?

Learn about the benefits.

Get Validated for Remote Work

Get Validated for Remote Work

Prove to potential employers that you are capable of working effectively in any remote or hybrid environment.

Have Your Skills Assessed

Have Your Skills Assessed

Evaluate specific skills through real-life scenarios, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Get International Opportunities

Get International Opportunities

Unlock career opportunities with global companies and startups looking for talent.

Stand Out to Employers

Stand Out to Employers

Getting certified will make you stand out to global companies, especially as they work with Localized recruiters to fill roles.

Get the Exclusive Badge

Get the Exclusive Badge

Add the Ready /Anywhere® badge to your LinkedIn and your Localized profiles and get noticed for remote jobs.

Expand Your Network

Expand Your Network

Access an exclusive community of professionals, expand your network and potential career opportunities.

How does it work?

A few simple steps to get certified.

Step 1
Take the Ready /Anywhere® Assessment and Stand Out.
Get certified so you can stand out with potential employers. The assessment will take 30 minutes and is based on real-life work scenarios, providing insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.
Take the Ready /Anywhere® Assessment and Stand Out.
Step 2
Complete the Assessment.
Once you’ve passed, you will be redirected to Localized where you’ll be able to use it in your job search.
Complete the Assessment.
Step 3
Receive a Confirmation email and Claim Your Badge.
Claim your badge with a dedicated certification page authenticating your accreditation.
Receive a Confirmation email and Claim Your Badge.
Step 4
Share Your Skills with Your Community and Employers!
Once you have your badge, share it with your community to stand out. If you complete your Localized profile and add your badge to it, you will have a stronger chance of getting approved for interviews when applying for jobs on the platform.
Share Your Skills with Your Community and Employers!
ETS Ready/Anywhere badge

Be the First to Get Remote-Ready!

Unlock career opportunities with global companies and startups with the Ready /Anywhere® assessment.

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